Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Optimism and Health Benefits Essay

â€Å"Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.† This quote from Victor Hugo is a perfect example of optimism. When someone is optimistic, they have a disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome. Optimism is simply a mental game. The brain can interpret situations or events as being optimized; meaning that some factors may not be fully comprehendible, yet having confidence that the present moment is in an optimist state. This understanding, although criticized by counter views such as pessimism, realism, and idealism, leads to a state of mind that believes everything is as it should be. With optimism, someone contains hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something. Not only does optimism give someone confidence, it also provides many health benefits and a sense of purpose in life. â€Å"Is your glass half empty, or half full?† This saying is a common idiom that illustrates optimism versus pessimism; an optimist is said to see the glass half full, and a pessimist sees the glass as half empty. Winston Churchill provides another unique understanding of this idea: â€Å"The optimist sees opportunity in every danger; the pessimist sees danger in every opportunity,† The defining characteristic of pessimists is that they tend to believe bad events will last a long time, will undermine everything they do, and are their own fault. The optimists, who are confronted with the same problems of the world, think about misfortune in the opposite way. They tend to believe defeat is just a temporary setback. Provoked by a bad situation, they perceive is as a challenge to try harder. If the thoughts that run through one’s head are mostly negative, their outlook on life is more likely to be pessimistic. There is nothing better in life than having a peace of mind that no matter what the troubles are that life may bring, everything will be okay and that life has so much to offer. Unfortunately this peace of mind does not happen over-night, it takes years of trials and experience s to be able to see the bright side of any given situation. People are not automatically born with optimism; they have to experience negative circumstances in order to find the strength to be optimistic in general. Without hardships, optimism would not grow. Optimism often starts with self-talk. These endless streams of unspoken thoughts can either be positive, or negative. Optimism does not mean that one keeps their head in the sand and ignore life’s less unpleasant situations, it just means that the approach to the unpleasantness is in a more positive and productive way. With this approach to any given situation, stress can be reduced. Often time’s people upset themselves over something minute, causing a lack of sleep, unhealthy eating habits, hostile mood, etc. What they do not know is that with a simple thought of, â€Å"I can do this,† or â€Å"It will be okay,† their whole stream of thoughts eventually start following that positive pattern, changing their whole mood, reducing stress, and increasing their chances of overcoming obstacles. Not only does an optimistic view reduce stress, it also decreases the risks of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and infections. Optimism itself, not just its association with happiness, lowers anxiety, thus causing less hostility, and has the potential to lower the risk of a stroke. U.S. researchers followed more than 97,000 women for about eight years. Measures of optimism and cynical hostility were strongly associated with these outcomes: Optimists had a lower incidence of heart disease and total mortality. Conversely, cynical hostility, which is a lack of confidence and increased bitterness, was associated with both higher overall mortality and cancer-related effects. Along with positive health benefits, optimism also gives someone a sense of purpose. American psychologist, Salvatore Maddi, co-author of Resilience at Work: How to Succeed No Matter What Life Throws at You, extensively studied what makes executives tough in the face of work-related stress. He found that the healthiest of executives shared three characteristics: a feeling of commitment, a sense of control in their lives, and an acceptance of life’s stressful moments as challenges rather than threats. This research confirms that having a sense of commitment to a purpose does not merely give someone meaning; it makes them more resistant to the impact of stressful living. This view on optimism can increase one’s chances of succeeding their goals or dreams, and not allowing negative situations to hinder their attitude. With hopefulness that their goals will be achieved, their motivation is amplified as well. Optimism is a way of life that is not learned automatically, it takes time and effort to completely change one’s mindset. This mindset has many positive effects. A firm confidence in one’s self develops, and they have self-assurance that no matter what life throws at them, it is completely possible to overcome those obstacles. Optimists tend to believe that defeat is not their fault; circumstances, bad luck, or other people bring it about. Such people are unfazed by defeat. Optimism not only gives one confidence, but also provides a countless number of health benefits. With an optimistic attitude, depression can be reversed. Although it takes time to get out of a slump, just the start of positive self-talk can remove one out of despair. Positive self-talk also reduces stress and the chance of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and strokes. A sense of purpose also develops with someone who acquires an optimistic mentality. A sense of purpose does not only give someone meaning, it helps them to overcome the stresses that life brings. Optimism merely starts with a simple â€Å"I will be okay.† It takes small steps, but it is completely possible for one to change their outlook on life and not let circumstances defeat one’s life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Life stage

Psychodrama counseling and therapy Involves a number of Important elements, which perhaps Is what makes the psychodrama approach more and more interesting to those who go on developing in their work. (E. G.Erik Erosion's work on life stages and the object relation theory) While in no sense wishing to undervalue the importance of basic listening and responding skills, nor the centrality of a positive therapeutic relationship, the ongoing experience of working with people leads to more and more thirst for understanding how and why different personalities unction differently, why people think, feel and behave the way they do (Jacobs Michael, 1998). – Consider deleting the above.Our experiences and the world around us daily confront us with the fact that effects have causes. Erosion's work on the theory of psychosocial stages of development and Melanie Kelvin's contributions in the Object Relations Theory will be focus of my discussion In the first part of this work. Erikson empha sizes that personality develops in a predetermined order and build upon previous stages of development – the epigenetic principle. He holds that the ego successfully develops when it is able to strictly resolve problems that are socially related.With Klein, the early stages of life are very strategic in the nature of the child's unconscious phantasm visit-a-visit its interaction with the world of reality. This period, she holds, forms the basis for the later development of more complex states of mental life. Erik Erosion's Theory of Life Stages While Freud puts great emphasis on the id and its conflicting interaction with the superego, Erikson talks about the ego and its interaction with the socio-cultural environment. Erosion's model is a combination of â€Å"psychosocial† and â€Å"psychosocial† elements.There can sometimes be an attempt to overcome the human tendency to mistake what can be submitted to established techniques for the true nature of things. â⠂¬â€œ Consider deleting. In his opinion, healing always calls for a holistic attitude that does not argue with established factors but to attempt to Include them In a wider context of some enlightening quality. (Erikson Erik, Erosion's historical experiences Influenced his assumption that â€Å"a human being's existence depends at every moment on three necessary and complementary processes† (Erikson, 1997).These processes are: The biological process – the functional connectivity of the efferent organs that constitute the human body (soma). The psychic process – the function of the psyche which Is responsible for the Individual's experience In the form of the ego synthesis (psyche) and, The communal process – which is about the cultural organization of the interdependence of persons (ethos). There is a symphony among these processes that bring about holistic human event. Hence, any form of failure or the isolation of any one part of the three processes res ults in somatic tension.In view of the indispensability this Interdependence – the organisms principle, Erikson maintains that the process Is Inevitable grounding of the In his description, epigenetic refers to the probability that all growth and development follow analogous patterns. In the epigenetic sequence of development, each organ has its time of origin. (Erikson, 1997) According the epigenetic principle, we develop through a predetermined unfolding of personality, which occurs in eight stages. This principle emphasizes the importance of each organ developing properly at the appropriate stage.He writes that (Erikson, 1997) â€Å"If the organ misses its time of ascendancy, it is not only doomed as an entity, it endangers at the same time the hole hierarchy of organs, â€Å"Not only does the arrest of a rapidly budding part tend to suppress its development temporarily, but the premature loss of supremacy to some other renders it impossible for the suppressed part to co me again into dominance so that it is permanently modified. † Improper development gives rise to detrimental situations. For instance, it could force a child into adulthood.One idea that calls to mind here is the sometimes misapplication of the concept of â€Å"responsible person† in some societies. Children are passively or actively forced to take up great responsibilities which, given their extent f experience and maturity, are not befitting of their age. Thus, the natural process of psychic development is truncated. The possible consequence of such a marred process, lacking in the right support or experience, is maladaptive behavior patterns or malignant behaviors.In a normal physical and emotional development, the individual is faced with tasks that generate in them a trust-mistrust way of relating to their environment. Erikson argues that a balanced form of learning rests on how, say the trust-mistrust elements are managed by the ego. He holds that (Erikson, 1997), â€Å"How, after birth, the maturing organism continues to unfold, by growing playfully and by developing a prescribed sequence of physical, cognitive, and social capacities- all that is described in the literature of child development †¦ If properly guided, can be trusted to conform to the epigenetic laws of development as they now create a succession of potentialities for significant interaction with a growing number of individuals and with the mores that govern them†. Hence, the individual stands the chance of growing psychologically stronger insofar as they are given the appropriate support at each stage of development by the key persons. Erosion's psychosocial theory considers the impact of external factors, like parents and the society, has on personality development from childhood to adulthood.Every person must pass through a series of eight interrelated stages over the entire life cycle. 1. Infancy: 0-18 Months Old/Trust versus Mistrust. The right amount of feed ing and care is pretty much the determinant factor at this stage. Erikson emphasizes that if the infant is well fed and cared for, it will develop a healthy balance between trust and mistrust. This however excludes over-indulgence mistrust. On the other hand, infants who grow up to trust are more able to hope and eve faith that ‘things will generally be okay'. 2. Muscular – Anal: 18 Months-arrears: Autonomy v Shame.At this stage, a sense of independence of thought, basic confidence to think and act for oneself begins to generate. During this stage the well-cared for child is sure of himself and self-esteems himself in a positive light as against withdrawing into himself in shame. At this stage, defiance, temper, tantrums, and stubbornness can also appear. At this period, children tend to be vulnerable. Besides being shrouded in shame, they are also impacted upon by low self-esteem if they become aware of their inability to learn certain skills. Locomotors: 3-6 Years â⠂¬â€œ Initiative versus Guilt. At this stage the child develops a sense of responsibility which increases their ability to use their initiative. During this stage they experience the desire to copy the adults around them and take initiative in creating play opportunities. They also start to explore the world around them, asking the â€Å"why-questions†. Guilt and sense of inferiority result from being admonished or when there is a belief that something is wrong or likely to attract disapproval. At this stage the relationship with the family is very significant. 4.Latency: 6-12 Years – Industry versus Inferiority. Here, the child develops the capability of learning social skills that the society requires of them. There is a strong desire to acquire numerous new skills and to acquire knowledge, which helps them to develop industriously. If for any reason there is stagnation, the child may experience feelings of inadequacy and inferiority among their peers. They can have serious problems in terms of competence and self esteem. Here competency is the virtue to strike the balance. 5. Adolescence: 12-18 Years- Identity versus Role Confusion.In adolescence, some form of conflict between struggling to belong to a particular group, being accepted ND affirmed by the group, exists in young people, amidst the desire to also become individuals. This in itself is a big dilemma for them. It is mostly in the early part of this stage that pubic consciousness sets in. 6. Young Adult: 19-30 Years: Intimacy versus Isolation. Young adulthood is the middle stage of adolescence and the concern at this stage of development centers around issues of independence from parental influence, and moving towards autonomy and self-direction.There is also the desire for economic independence. Hence, in order to chart a career path, striving to make the most of homeless in the best possible way. 7. Middle Adult 30-65 Years: Generatively versus Stagnation. The adult person concern a t this stage is to embark on projects that will outlast him; leaving legacies could be having children or establishing projects that will benefit others in the society. It can be making one's mark in the scheme of affairs in the world. Simply, it is to make better the world around us by actively caring for others according to one's capability.Generative feelings contrast with those of stagnation in that in the latter, the individual think of themselves as unproductive and uninvolved in the world round them. Stagnation evokes feelings of disconnect with their environment and failure to improve their life or the society in which the live. Thus, it is a stage whereby to find a sense of purpose and identity informs every experimentation that the adult embarks on. In sum, it is a lasting self image-making adventurous stage in life and in some ways, linkable with the first stage. 8. Maturity/Late Adulthood 65-Death: Ego Integrity versus Despair.This is the stage of stock taking of how one lived their life. It is a moment when thoughts of a productively lived life are rewarded with feelings of fulfillment and integrity on count of one's industrious involvements in the world around them. Or it could be a time of regret and despair for misused opportunities upon reflecting on their experiences and failures. Those who feel proud about themselves indicate they have lived accomplished life hence they associate integrity and satisfaction to themselves. Not having much to regret about their life, they can attain wisdom even when confronting death.The unaccomplished person will feel they have wasted their lifetime and are thus left in bitterness and despair. Nonetheless, these stages are however not set in stone. Though certain issues are nonfood to a particular stage, some others which seem to be pertinent to particular periods can surface at any other time. They are not always resolved by passing through the one stage alone. They could sometimes remain a concern throughout life. Jacobs Michael 1998) OBJECT RELATIONS THEORY: In Fraud's psychoanalysis, the term, â€Å"object† is employed to designate the target of all drives.The object in Fraud's view is a means through which gratification can either be obtained or denied. Object in Fraud's psychology is secondary for the reason that it does not form part of the constitutive nature of drives. But with Melanie Klein, elation's to object are very central to her psychoanalysis, for in her views, it constitutes the fabric of the self. In her contributions in the object relations theory, she explains the nature of the child's unconscious phantasm concerning its mother's â€Å"inside†, which is populated by varieties of organs and babies.She argues that this phantasm is carried on in earlier months of life, but at this time, it is about the child's â€Å"inside† or its internal presence which is populated by body parts substances and people etc. As development progresses, the child's exp eriences with objects in its environment and significant there are internally represented in images. According to Stephen A. Mitchell, (1981, 2), Klein holds that the state of one's internal object world forms the basis of their relations with internal and external objects, as well as the drives, closely bound together, constitute the crucial determinant of the most important psychical process.Klein argues that internal objects are inherent in the child and prior to experience. As development progresses the child's images of objects gradually take on aspects of the real object they represent in the world. The desire to find the real representation f these earliest internal images in relation to a child's environment informs its loving or hateful drives. Klein posits a somewhat similar idea of death instinct in further explanation of the inherent, fantastic early object, as does Freud. She argues that, immediately following birth, the child feels within itself, a threat to its life a nd this must take place if it is to survive.This is seen in the cry which a child gives off at birth. She holds that the child's first experience of an object in the internal or external world at this point grows out of perceptual misinterpretation of some foreign object whose purpose is to annihilate the child. This sort of experience, Klein explains, accounts for subsequent frustration of bodily needs, physical sensations, tension and discomfort in life. Conversely, pleasurable sensations are attributed to good forces. Klein holds that a child has no sense of self or any rational mind, amidst huge and unmediated feelings.The mother is psychologically the child's ego and the means of dealing with these feelings. She argues that (1957, 248), â€Å"†¦ The infant has an innate unconscious awareness of the existence of the mother this instinctual knowledge s the basis for the infant's primal relation to his mother. † Hence, having a great mother has a huge impact on the wel lbeing and development of the child, as well as its psychosis later in life. In contrast to Fraud's emphasis on the intra-psychic conflict of sexual drives, Klein, emphasis is on the breast.For her, the object of the mother- baby relationship is all about the breast. In place of libidinal drives, she posits aggressive drives as the force of the object of a child's relations to its creating environment. Thus, the breast is no less an object for the child as do its mother and father. Object relations theory is largely maternal in approach because it stresses the foundational impact of the intimacy and nurturing of the mother on the child. The relations aspect of Kelvin's theory points to the nature of the structure of interpersonal relationships.This structure can be usefully employed in exploring and tracing what and how experiences might be the cause of present psychosis. â€Å"CAN WE EVER LEAVE THE PAST BEHIND†? The relationship between the present and the past is a fascinat ing one. The idea that the past influences the present can be argued for based on the principle of cause and effect. According to Jacob Michael (1998) â€Å"Older philosophical thinking used this as one of the arguments for the existence of God: that wherever there is an effect, there must be a cause; since behind every cause there must be another, this sequence extends into infinity until the prime cause is reached†. Occasional allusions to insights of some psychologists At a very general level, in the human society is indubitable that civic policies and laws take their shape and form from experiences of the past. Much so, it is with human behavior in all its complexities. Past experiences can act as stabilizing and purporting scripts influence on the trajectory of a present lifestyle. The extent to which this is exclusively true cannot be wholly guaranteed, however.It may also be that suppressing past conflicts is much more pragmatic for some others, and presents a rather f luid ways of managing the present, only that such approach leaves one a prisoner of an unresolved past until it is attended to. It is worth noting that, however one decides to suppress the past, certain events in the present will somehow unravel it. The bereavement experiences of a friend whose mother passed away is one of many examples that calls to mind which demonstrates that past experiences impact on present. Rose, the first child and only sister of five brothers developed a strong bond with her mother.The mother, for her represented her other self. Hence, she was an integral part of Rose development as a human being. The extent of the relationship was such that, now that her mother is no more, Rose finds life rather â€Å"meaningless and worthless to live†. From our discussions, I can deduce and summaries her feelings thus, â€Å"The pillar on which she leant, having now fallen, portends a threat or imaginable discomfort to her continued existence. † Two points s eemed operative in the deep bonding that Rose had with her late mother.First, she is the only daughter and had been taught by her mother on how to be domesticated as is generally and proudly the natural character of African women. As a hardworking and industrious woman her mother remained a model for her. Secondly, to be a first child in the African setting, one gradually develops a sense of responsibility to looking after their younger ones. Of course, Rose as a social being needed to relate and share with someone with whom she found compatible. She was more naturally inclined towards her mother, being the only woman in the family. Though she has friends, her mother was top in her list.She grew to understand what it meant to be loved, supported and to be a responsible woman from her mother. Now that her heroine is no more, Rose is at the stage where she feels an abysmal hollow in her life such that deflecting its impact and projecting her mother's fugue into her environment is inde ed a struggle, having recognized that, she nevertheless, has to find a way to continue to live. How to make best of the â€Å"here and now' is a challenge that confronts her. Thus, to break away from the deeply grafted emotional attachment to her mother is indeed a huge challenge.Thus, on the question of â€Å"can we ever leave the past behind†, and based on the instances of Rose's present condition, I will state that it is somewhat of a difficult a thing to do, depending on how our relationship is impacting on us at a given time. Discussions that we had, I kept the principle of â€Å"triangle of insight† in view while making my inputs Just so that a possible link might be made between the developmental patterns of the images of her internal and those of her external oral; the past and the present. No matter what the content of our past is, it is well worth our while to approach it with an open mind.This can either help us to understand how our past consciously or unc onsciously interferes with our present or how to make best of a not-so-good condition. Rose understands that she needs to get on with life. It is the how of it that is the real task. She needs facing the inevitable with confidence and with a degree of mental and physical independence. Hence, she needs embarking on resolving her past by taking up the tough task of emotional attachment from her late intimate friend, less her physical discomfort in all its forms persist and her instinct for life remains threatened.From Rose's story, I gathered that her mother represented more of a trust figure, while others were somewhat of mistrust figures. She experienced a great deal of protection from her late mother that she so thought of herself as being fragile. Rose's intimacy with her mother appeared not to have given her the opportunity to develop a much healthier relationship with her peers (Erikson). That being the case, she is now faced with the challenge of establishing a trusting relatio nship with others.As much as she cherishes the memory of her mother, she must be careful not to allow her qualities have an overbearing effect on her inevitable adventure, less it will be difficult to establish the degree of trust that her moving on in life needs. Conclusion: The past is in some way informative of who we are, how and why we relate to others the way we do. And so, looking into the past is very necessary but we need to be careful as not to become stuck in it or too Judgmental about ourselves or past history; for there is always something to take from the past in order to meaningfully chart the resent course of life.Rose can only come to terms with the fact that her mother is no more, it is impossible that she will leave her memories and friendship behind. On the basis of the foregoing instances, my position is that it is impossible to completely leave the past behind. Klein, Melanie, (1957) ‘Our Adult World and its Roots in Infancy in Envy and Gratitude and Othe r Works, London: Hogwash, Mitchell, Stephen, (1981), The Origin and Nature of the â€Å"Object† in the Theories of Klein and Birdbrain. Contempt. Psychoanalyst. 17: 74-398, Accessed June 06, 2014, g:mom.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Motivational Methods Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Motivational Methods Paper - Essay Example This essay principally has concern on the motivational techniques that managers apply when introducing change to their employees (Intuition Learning and Development). Herein is the importances of applying motivational techniques to the employees as well as to the organization. Further, the essay brings to light the impact of change to particular individuals. Finally, the essay introduces the best means of improving motivational techniques to impede negative results when aspiring to introduce change. Motivation refers to the desire of individuals to enable others be able to perform tasks in an expert manner. Downsizing departments refer to the task undertaken by managers to reduce the number of employees within various departments. The act of downsizing department has negative results on employees. First, it reduces employee morale since those left work under pressure, as they lack knowledge about who is the next individual to leave the department (Intuition Learning and Development). Secondly, it leads to poor quality of output due to decreased morale when performing assigned tasks. The positive outcome of managerial development depends on the ability of managers to apply the best techniques of motivation. Kusluvan 340 asserts that motivation is the source of both poor and improved employee performance. Intuition, Learning and Development denotes the three major motivational techniques of use by managers. The manner in which managers treat their subordinates are of great significance to the overall performance of employees. Managers should treat their employees as individuals with dignity and aspire to establish the best ways of enhancing employee performance. There are ways managers ought to take in when desiring to treat employees well. To begin with, managers should know what best motivates employees (Intuition Learning and Development). Having favorable knowledge about employee motivation needs results in less resistance when enacting changes within the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Information Management - Midterm Assessment Essay

Information Management - Midterm Assessment - Essay Example All these categories should be cohesively used and are vital for the achievement of any enterprise. Different concentrations of analytics give insight to various factors. For example: knowledge on customer preference, location and retention (Farasyn et al. 2011: 67). The biggest weapon that P&G had was arguably top notch analysts who did not take the traditional ways to do things as the one and only rule. Tores, Perssini, McDonald and the rest of the team were a group of forward thinkers, risk takers and a team that valued transparency, qualities that are all paramount in analysis. They did a big job of introducing and encouraging an analytical culture and environment in the company (Davenport, Thomas, Marco Iansiti, & Serels 2013: 5). 1. Provision of up to date data- before analytics was adapted in P&G, historical data was relied upon for analysis and statistics. These meant problems were not seen as they emerged but periodically after the storm had passed. Analytics helped to provide up to date data, all the market changes or consumer behavior changes are easily noted, and problems nipped at the bud as soon as they appeared. An excellent example is seen in the North America Laundry detergent Market case study, if the market growth was not noticed in time, P&G would consequently lose that potential market to competitors had they not addressed the issue of supply in time (Davenport 2006: 98). 2. Marketing strategies- analytics provide a good way to formulate marketing strategies to yield the best result. P&G decided to start with North America, Ohio and roll out to the rest of the regions after studying the consumer’s behavior to the new compact powder. From the findings, the team was able to know which stores to supply a new product with. Even though, initially the sales were difficult to track due to stores that had stocked the older version of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

AOL Project GSB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

AOL Project GSB - Essay Example The CEO Sally Smith, a mother of two, is a graduate of the University of North Dakota and holds BSc in Accounting and business administration. She held the position of chief financial officer at Dahlberg Inc. for 11 years before she was hired by BWLD in 1994 as a CFO and promoted to CEO in 1996. The strategies that Buffalo Wild Wings put forward in 2013 accomplished its goals to remain a high-growth, category-leading concept. It has significantly funded new strategic plans, invests in growth and imperatively distributed its earnings to shareholders. Its gross margin over the period 2013 was 27.0% and the operating margin was 9.6%, percentages that are above industry average. The company’s net margin stood at 6.5%. The company is fuelling its growth by increasing demand for its products and services. BWLD’s gross margin is inching upward implying that the company is continuously beating competitors and acquiring domination in the restaurant industry. The company continue s expanding through mergers and acquisitions and the dividends and its payout ratio upsurge. The risks and uncertainties involved in investing in the company are highlighted to caution investors against potential market failures and impending indecisions. The stock price increased by 52% and the company provided substantial value to its shareholders with a EPS $3.80, DEPS of $3.79. Revenue increased and was used to offer a salary increment to its directors. Apparently, its impressive stock performance acted as a momentous factor that fascinated investors. The 10k annual report reveals that the latest earnings that enable it to actively acquire a chain of restaurants that are small to reduce the acquisition cost. The buffalo wild wing company is in a position and determined to expand its base to targeted North American. This started as a result of

Liturgiam Authenticam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Liturgiam Authenticam - Essay Example This means that the Sacred Council identified inculturation to be the two-sided process requiring mutual actions and flexibility both from the Church and the Roman liturgy and from the recipient cultures. Whereas diverse autonomous cultures are expected to embrace Christian traditions and be integrated into a global community based on faith and universal dogmas; the Church is to incarnate Christian liturgy traditions in certain sociocultural backgrounds and soften all rough edges in order to make Christian tradition more comprehensible and close to the cultures. The Gospel is believed to enhance and strengthen peculiar cultural values and traditions and â€Å"restore them in Christ† (IRL,  § 4), when penetrating into a culture. Moreover, Christian traditions are expected to integrate and enrich other cultures, being also enriched by their wisdom. Inculturation as a process has preserved its aim since development of Christian tradition: its aim is to encourage and deepen peoples’ understanding on the message of Christ and find a better expression of it in local liturgical traditions and other areas of spiritual life of the Church. For this, the Holy Scriptures and liturgical texts have to be transformed into a form comprehensible for other cultures, especially those in the mission territories, i.e. they have to be translated wisely into local languages. The process of inculturation has its roots in ancient times when the story of salvation had just begun. The earliest forms of inculturation were practiced by the Israelites, the people believing that they were chosen by God and witnessed his love and actions (IRL,  § 9). The people of Israel borrowed some traditions and forms of worship from other peoples, yet â€Å"digesting† and modifying them in accordance to their fundamental faith in God. In other words, these borrowings were absorbed by Israeli religious traditions and practices in order to enhance celebration of the God’s deeds and memory. The next

Friday, July 26, 2019

Effective Assessment Practices Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Effective Assessment Practices - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the definition of assessment as the process that is employed to identify gather and interpreted information related to a student’s learning. The core purpose of learning is to provide true indicative information on the student’s progress and achievement and enable the setting of appropriate direction for the ongoing learning and teaching. Assessment and grading practices based on the classroom environment have a greater potential to measure, report and promote learning. Research on the effective assessment has documented the possible benefits that accrue to regular users of diagnostic and formative forms of assessment as a learning feedback The following examples are among the specific assessment practices that have been effectively used to enhance teaching and learning. Rubrics are the multipurpose scoring tool guide that describes the best criteria for performance to learners at various levels. It is employed mainly to assess a studentâ⠂¬â„¢s product and performance. For the effective development of a rubric to optimize workability, The Journal for Effective Teaching provides three main rubric designing steps. Identifying performance criteria requires that the instructor determine the quality of the work prior to giving an assignment. The performance criteria require that the assessed performance should be observable and measurable. Setting performance level -the assessor needs to decide on the number of appropriate performance levels of assessment.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Brand analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Brand analysis - Essay Example One of the major advantages of Leatherman’s products is the 25-year guarantee (Hoovers). The Argentum, a tool designed by an Argentine silversmith called Adrian Pallarols is manufactured by the company specifically to attract the luxurious community while the younger generation is targeted via the manufacturing of the compact Juice tool. The Company has its principal strength in the duration of the guarantee offered for its products (25 years). Not many organizations offer such a warranty thus making its products the best. The organization provides its customers with sufficient support or back up and awareness of the products they sale hence keeping the customers coming back for more products. The organization has a dedicated staff that adds up to its minimized price offers for their products. In addition, all parts of the tools made by the company are replaceable (SHOT). In respect to the Company’s weaknesses, it manufactures customized tools (SHOT). These tools demand increased payment as compared to normal products hence their low production due to inability to stabilize/moderate the prices of the same. The large range of tools produced by the company accompanied by a list of styles in which to fold pocket tools and the long warranty offered by the company provides the organization with a huge opportunity of capturing or reaching a larger market (Davis). Furthermore, Davis believes that the use of websites for presentation of company products presents an opportunity to expand their market share due to the augmenting use of the internet. Manufacturing of the compact Juice tool for the younger generation as well as the Argentum for the rich/luxury creates room for increased sales thus more profit. Leatherman Tool Group, Inc. is not the only company in the industry; hence, stiff competition from companies like Victorinox Swiss Army, Inc poses a huge threat to the company. Another threat is infringement especially incases of retaliatory damages inv olving the use of these products (Davis). One of the competitors is Victorinox Swiss Army, Inc. Just until 2007, the company was called Swiss Army Brands boasting a monopoly in the marketing of the Victorinox Swiss Army knife in the Caribbean, USA and Canada (Hoovers). In addition, the company distributes Victorinox wear for men, consumer and professional Victorinox Cutlery, Swiss Air Force watches as well as products of Swiss Army Brand like writing materials, watches and sunglasses. The company runs a flagship retail store in SoHo district of New York City as well as distributing these products in retail and wholesale prices. The other is Wenger North America or simply Wenger N.A. distributes Swiss Army knives, footwear, watches, luggage, business accoutrements, and outdoor gear to the US and the Caribbean. Hoovers affirms that the Swiss Army knives distributed by Wenger N.A. are not associated in any way with Victorinox Swiss Army knives. The company provides these products on th eir website but at a discounted rate as well as providing customers with videos and manuals as guidelines to the use of their products. Most of these products are sold in chains and a host of specialty sports retailers (Hoovers). Buck Knives Inc. as the third largest competitor boasts skills that comprise four generations in the knife-making business. The company manufactures hunting, pocket and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Investigative task force proposal Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Investigative task force proposal - Term Paper Example ry procedures for the research and proper investigation of digital develop a state of the art center that will be able to offer impeccable services. The unit will be fully equipped with a cyber-forensics laboratory which will specialize in digital evidence recovery, and which will also the facilitation of computer investigative training and development of forensic skills. The devices incorporated will be able to manage a larger volume of data faster in the course of an investigation and also uncover information that couldn’t be discovered with traditional forensic tools. Steps towards the creation of a cyber-investigative unit would be to assess the needs of the department and make a decision, to establish a legal basis in the establishment, appoint a manager for the cyber investigation unit, to staff the unit, to provide for the equipment and other resources required in the unit, to facilitate a training program for this unit and to have an action plan in developing the cyber investigative unit. As the technology is continually used to commit crimes and the numbers of such cases keeps on raising then each police departme nt will ultimately reach a point where it will have to decide if the time is right to establish a cyber-investigative unit with forensic capabilities The cyber investigative unit will include a training department, an investigative joint task force, an analytic group, future exploration department and people responsible for collaborative data sharing. Whether the goal is to establish a full time unit or entitle individual investigators in particular areas to respond as required, prior evaluation assessment, planning and preparation are elements indispensable to success. The following is a proposal for the establishment of the specialized unit in the police department. The department will facilitate the provision of a training programmer to equip the new cyber investigative unit with investigators, supervisors, analysts and outside

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Critical Management Studies Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Critical Management Studies - Coursework Example Modern life, to a considerable extent, is governed by managerial or economistic approach whereby, in the context of business in organizations, the efficient allocation of resources takes precedence over humanistic or ethical concerns. In this respect, many public services are increasingly facing new forms of managerialism, while many aspects of socio-cultural activities are also being subjected to the same business, management, and economic perspectives. Over the years, narrow interests such as financial institutions have traditionally dominated research in business, management, and economics leading to biased theory of practice (Barratt 2011, p.110), which CMS has been countering; CMS is now a valid and vital aspect of the Business school curriculum, and is even visible in professional bodies for practitioners in business, management, and organization studies. The pervasive scepticism regarding the essence of the mainstream management ideas and practices have spurred the need to expand the field of management through research, to espouse alternative innovative ways of understanding management (Alvesson and Willmott 2012, p.5), instead of relying on the ineffective status quo, thus the emergence of Critical Management Studies. Overall, CRS often seeks to bring to fore the subtle workings of power while identifying and reforming the daily workplace practices that enforce injustices both in firms and in the society. CMS views the prevailing conceptions and forms of management as well as organization as unjustified and unsustainable (Alcadipani & Hodgson 2009, p.130), with a keen focus on the social injustice as well as the environmental destructiveness of the wider socio-economic systems that managers and specific firms serve and reproduce (Foster & Wiebe 2010, p.271). In this respect, it is not really the failures of individual managers or the poor management of specific firms that informs and motivates CMS,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Event on Social Gathering for Womens Day Essay Example for Free

Event on Social Gathering for Womens Day Essay Gathering means a group of people together in one place and social gathering means a gathering for the purpose of promoting upliftment of the society/fellowship. A social gathering is an informal user generated event for those interested in social entrepreneurship enterprise, share ideas and meet new people. A social gathering is open to anyone with an interest in social enterprise. It helps in gaining advice, support and inspiration from entrepreneurs. It is an event specially organized for the awareness of the current issues. The event may include speeches, discussions, dramas, songs and many more cultural activities to make people aware. It is organized 4 to 5 hrs or lesser. It may include social issues like suicides, girl education, water conservation, garbage, etc. mostly the social gathering on these issues are followed by a campaign on large scale. Social gathering includes all the general public. The publicity is done on great extent. The targeted people are colleges, universities, other NGO’s, own NGO’s members and volunteers contacts and family and relatives etc. Since gathering means a collection or accumulation an assembly of persons, so the people gather for completing a task. It is a fully refreshing and entertaining type of event. Thus the event includes lunch together, and has discussions. This is organized in such manner that every one participate in the task taken on the issue. Mostly the social gathering is free of cost or low cost. The speakers are well-qualified and master in their field. The speeches by them are very practical which we can have in our daily-scheduled-routine life. The term female feticide means killing the female fetus in the mothers womb. Sex selective abortions and increase in the number of female infanticide cases have become a significant social phenomenon in several parts of India. It transcends all castes, class and communities and even the North South dichotomy. The girl children become target of attack even before they are born. India is growing dynamically in all the fields†¦ the country have witnessed advancement all over but female feticide is still prevailing in India. In spite of all the stringent laws framed to curb the female feticide still, the practice continues. Many girls missing from our country are seen buried in the graveyard. The bias against females in India is related to the fact that sons are called upon to provide the income; they are the ones who do most of the work in the fields. In this way, sons are looked to as a type of insurance. With this perspective, it becomes clearer that the high value given to males decreases the value given to females. The exorbitant dowry demand is one of the main reasons for female feticide. A girl means accumulation of sufficient recourses for the dowry the parent have to give away, when the girls get married. As a matter of prestige too, more money and material goods are asked in dowry. Poor families are unable to give so much of things in dowry. Result is in front of you many, many women are treated hostile by their ‘in laws’’ so many of them commit suicide. Murders of women whose families are deemed to have paid   insufficient dowry have become increasingly common. Another major problem among girls is that in many villages of India, girls are considered as a big trouble to their parents. They are killed as soon as they are born. The phenomenon of female infanticide is as old as many cultures, and has likely accounted for millions of gender-selective deaths throughout history. It remains a critical concern in a number of Third World countries today, notably the two most populous countries on earth, China and India. In all cases, specifically female infanticide reflects the low status accorded to women in most parts of the world; Female infanticide is the intentional killing of baby girls due to the preference for male babies and from the low value associated with the birth of females. It should be seen as a subset of the broader phenomenon of infanticide, which has also targeted the physically or mentally handicapped and infant males as with maternal mortality. Some would dispute the assigning of infanticide or female infanticide to the category of genocide or, as here, gendercide†. When demographic statistics were first collected in the nineteenth century, it was discovered that in some villages of India, no girl babies were found at all; in a total of thirty others, there were 343 boys to 54 girls. In rural India, the centuries-old practice of female infanticide can still be considered a wise course of action. According to census statistics, From 972 females for every 1,000 males in 1901 the gender imbalance has tilted to 929 females per 1,000 males.

Cultural Differences between United States and Italy Essay Example for Free

Cultural Differences between United States and Italy Essay All societies provide for certain broad areas of social living. Wissler (2000:99) identified these as universal patterns of culture, such as speech, material traits, art, mythology and scientific knowledge, religious practice, family and social systems, property, government, and war. Even within these broad areas of social living are a number of common elements. Moreover, cultures between countries differ because of the great variety of solutions people in different societies evolve in solving life problems. Amongst the important factors which give rise to cultural differences are the kind of environment within which the society lives, the human and natural resources available within this environment, the extent and intensity of exposure the society has to other people from which they can borrow ideas, and their cultural heritage. This paper intent to figure out the differences between the United States of America and Italy in terms of history, languages, Ethnical diversity, culture, superstitions and religions. II. Discussion A. United States of America The United States developed and grew from 13 English colonies on the Atlantic coast into an independent republic that eventually extended to the Pacific, with Alaska and Hawaii among its states. Although the original 13 colonies were British, several other nations took part in the discovery, exploration and settlement of the territory that became the United States. Both France and Spain once controlled more of North America than did Great Britain. Dutch and Swedish colonies existed temporarily on the Atlantic coast. Thus the beginnings of the United States, like its later development as a nation, involved contributions by people from many lands (see Graff, H. America: the Glorious Republic (2 volumes; Houghton Mifflin, 2001). North America was inhabited by Indians and Eskimos long before the first Europeans arrived. White men came into contact with the Indians from the very beginning, but the Eskimos were not greatly influenced by the white man’s civilization until the 20th century (see Link, A. S. , and others. American Epoch: a History of the United States since 1900, 9th edition (2 volumes: Knopf, 1999). There are various religions existing in the United States such as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Unitarian Universalism and Hinduism while others claimed that they don’t have a religion. Amongst the religions mentioned, Christianity has the greatest number as surveyed in 2001. On the other hand, English is the de facto national language of the United States. Spanish language has also been taught as â€Å"non-English second language† (see Boorstin, D. J. and R. F. The Landmark History of the American People, revised edition (2 volumes; Random House, 1999). B. Italy Italy is a country in the southern Europe. Jutting southward from the Alps into the Mediterranean Sea, Italy consists mainly of a slender boot-shaped peninsula and the islands of Sicily and Sardinia. Ital is bordered by France, Switzerland, Austria, and Yugoslavia, and the Adriatic, Ionian, Tyrrhenian, and Ligurian seas. It completely encircles two tiny, independent states: San Marino, east of Florence, and Vatican City, in Rome. The name Italy was first used by the Greeks for the southern tip of the peninsula, where they established colonies as early as the eighth century B. C. Gradually, as the peninsula came under Roman rule, the name was applied to everything south of the Alps (see Coppa, F. J. , editor. Dictionary of Modern Italian History (Greenwood Press, 2000). Italy has contributed greatly to western civilization. For hundreds of years it was the center of the far-flung Roman Empire. It was in Italy that Christianity first flourished in Europe and became powerful force. Rome has long been the seat of the papacy and the world center of the Roman Catholic Church. The Renaissance, the period of enlightenment that ended medieval times, began in Italy and during this period Italians contributed greatly to the intellectual and artistic development of the Western world. Italy still preserves much of its noble past in its cities, museums, and ruins, attracting more foreign visitors than any other country in the world (see Guicciardini, Francesco. The History of Italy (Princeton University, 1999). The Italians, an Indo-European people, were settled in theItalian peninsula by 1000 B. C. In the eighth century B. C. the Etruscans (or Tyrrhenians), who came probably from Asia Minor, founded Etruria on the west. To the south was Latium, established by the Latins, an Italian tribe, with Rome as its strongest city. Farther south were Greek colonies (see Guicciardini, Francesco. The History of Italy (Princeton University, 1999). By the middle of the sixth century B. C. the Etruscans dominated central Italy, including Rome. Greeks and Romans cooperated in driving back the Etruscans. Raids by Gauls, who had crossed the Alps and settled in the Po Valley, helped weaken Etruria, and it rapidly declined (see Coppa, F. J. , editor. Dictionary of Modern Italian History (Greenwood Press, 2000). In the fourth century B. C. the Greeks made several attempts to conquer the Italians, but in the third century the Greek colonies fell to Rome. From that time until the collapse of the Roman Empire, the history of Italy coincides with the history of Rome (see Coppa, F. J. , editor. Dictionary of Modern Italian History (Greenwood Press, 2000). III. Conclusion United States and Italy has many differences in terms of culture and history. However, these two countries were able to experienced invasion from other countries that tried to colonize them. References: 1. Coppa, F. J. , editor. Dictionary of Modern Italian History (Greenwood Press, 2000). 2. Guicciardini, Francesco. The History of Italy (Princeton University, 1999. 3. Graff, H. America: the Glorious Republic (2 volumes; Houghton Mifflin, 2001. 4. Link, A. S. , and others. American Epoch: a History of the United States since 1900, 9th edition (2 volumes: Knopf, 1999. 5. Boorstin, D. J. and R. F. The Landmark History of the American People, revised edition (2 volumes; Random House, 1999.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Essay on my Favourite Book Snow White

Essay on my Favourite Book Snow White Snow White was the heroine of the first full-length animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, in 1937. Snow White is young, pretty, virginal, sweet-natured and obedient. She doesnt mind housework because she is sure that a rich young man will soon come and take her away. When Snow White is afraid, she runs away and falls down in tears. When she finds shelter in a dirty little house in the woods, she immediately cleans it from top to bottom. When she lives there, she continues to do the housework: the group of (small) working males who live in the house clearly need a mother to clean for them, so this is Snow Whites natural role. SHELTER is something that protects you and keeps you safe from weather or from dangers Snow Whites only enemy is her wicked and powerful step-mother. (Another typical Disney character is the evil older women, who has a lot of power. She is always destroyed.) WICKED: bad, evil A STEP-MOTHER is a woman who marries someones father after their mother died Snow Whites wicked step-mother tricks Snow White into eating a poisoned apple and she falls into a coma. The dwarfs cannot help her. Snow White must wait until she is rescued by the kiss of a handsome prince, and then she rides off happily with her new love. TRICK: (v) to fool or deceive When someone is in a COMA, they are completely unconscious and cannot be awakened This is typical of Disneys movies. Young women are naturally happy home-makers; they wait (like Snow White in her coma) until a man comes along to give them life. Something is TYPICAL if it has the usual qualities of a type of thing. After Snow White, Disney used other fairy tales for his movies, for example Cinderella (1950) and Sleeping Beauty (1959). The heroines and their stories were very similar to Snow White. FAIRY TALES: stories that are told to children about magical places and people Then, in 1966, Walt Disney died and the Disney Company did not produce any good animated films for a long time. Then, in 1989, the company produced a new, and very successful, cartoon feature film, The Little Mermaid. FEATURE FILM: a full length movie The Little Mermaid Ariel, the mermaid, is the heroine of the movie. It seems that Disney did not pay much attention to the Womens Movement: Ariel is the same as the earlier Disney heroines, except that she is somewhat sexy and wears a bikini made from shells. And the answer to all her dreams is to get her man. Ariel will do anything to make the prince fall in love with her. She even gives up her voice so that she can have legs. (What message does this movie give to young girls Keep quiet and be beautiful?) But Disney movies have happy endings, and so Ariel gets her voice back and she keeps her prince. On the other hand, she loses everything else. When she becomes human and marries the prince, she must leave behind her underwater home, her father and her friends. She gives up everything in her life for romance. Thats OK for a fairy tale, but it is not a good idea for young girls in real life. MERMAID Mermaid Many women complained to Disney about The Little Mermaid, and Disney promised to think more carefully about womens roles in future. They hired a female screenwriter for their next movie, Beauty and the Beast (1991). Disneys publicity people promised that Belle, the heroine, would be modern, active, and even feminist. SCREENWRITER: the person who writes the words of a movie Beauty and the Beast The press thought Disney had done a good job, but the only real improvement is that Belle likes reading! BELLE is the main woman character in Beauty and the Beast However, the most important problem in this movie is not the Disney companys idea of an independent woman. The problem is how Disney changed the hero, and the message of the story. In the original story, the Beast looks terrible and frightening, but he is really kind and gentle. The message of the story is that you should not judge someone by what they look like. An ugly outside can hide a loving heart. Disney changed this. The company decided to create a Beast with a very serious problem. Disneys Beast terrifies his household and frightens Belle, his prisoner. The Beast does not attack Belle, but the threat of physical violence is present. In the Disney movie, Belle changes the character of the Beast. Her beauty and her sweet nature change him from a beast into a prince, from someone who is cruel, into someone who is kind. So the movies message is very different from the message of the fairy tale. SWEET-NATURE: being kind and pleasant The movie says, if a young woman is pretty and sweet-natured, she can change an abusive man into a kind and gentle man. In other words, it is a womans fault if her man abuses her. This is another dangerous message for young girls because it is not true: if Belle lived in the real world, she would almost certainly become a battered wife. Someone who is ABUSIVE treats people very badly ABUSE: (v) to treat someone very badly BATTERED: badly beaten Aladdin Princess Jasmine, the only female character in Aladdin (1992), is a lot like Disneys other women. But there is another very worrying thing about this movie, its racism. Listen to some of the songs, for example: I come from a land. where they cut off your ears if they dont like your face. Its barbaric, but hey, its home. RACISM: the belief that people of your race are better than people of other races BARBARIC: violent and cruel And look at the characters. The evil characters, like Jafar, look very Arabic. On the other hand, Aladdin, the hero, looks and sounds like a fresh-faced American boy: his skin is much paler, and he asks people to call him Al, an American name, not an Arabic name. FRESH-FACED: clean and innocent. Something is PALER than something else if it is lighter-colored or whiter. Of course, Disney does not intend to offend people that would be bad business. Most people who watch the movies are probably caught up in the Disney magic and dont notice these things. But thats the problem. One way in which Disney creates the magic is by using stereotypes that people respond to without thinking. Aladdin looks right for a hero; Jafar looks right for a villain. We dont think about it. If you are CAUGHT UP IN something, you are very involved and interested in it. STEREOTYPE: a fixed image or idea of what a type of person is like. By using quotation marks [RIGHT for a hero], the writer makes clear that she means this ironically. The Lion King The Lion King does the same thing. The characters are animals, but their voices show racist stereotypes. Even though The Lion King takes place in Africa, two white American actors are used for the voice of Simba, the hero. However, the hyenas who are bad characters in the film, speak non-standard English and are played by actors like Whoopi Goldberg and Cheech Marin. The villain, Scar, suggests homosexuality. And, of course women (the lionesses) are weak and need a male hero: when Simba runs away, the lionesses cannot protect themselves from the evil Scar and must wait for years until Simba returns to save them. RACIST STEREOTYPES: a fixed idea of what people of different races are like. HYENAS: an African animal that feeds on dead animals; its cry sounds like a laugh. SUGGESTS HOMOSEXUALITY: gives the idea that he might be homosexual. Pocahontas After The Lion King, Disney became interested in the idea of multiculturalism and made Pocahontas in 1995. This movie mixes Disneys favourite story of the princess- in-love with a real story from Native American history. That is a problem because Pocahontas was a real woman, and she was very different from the Pocahontas that Disney invented. To give only one example: in real life, Pocahontas was a child when she first met the hero John Smith and there was no romance between them. When Pocahontas met Smith again years later, she called him father. MULTICULTURALISM: the idea that it is a good thing to include people from many different cultures. But there are even more serious problems with the Disney version of Pocahontas and the video follow-up, Pocahontas II. The movies ignore the real fate of both Pocahontas and her people. The first movie ends cheerfully with peace between the colonists and natives; in fact, many, many of the Powhatan Nation (Pocahontas people) were later killed. COLONISTS: the first groups of people who came from Europe to America, to settle and make a home for themselves IGNORE: do not show As for the real Pocahontas, she was kidnapped and held hostage. She was forced to become a Christian and behave like a civilised white woman. She was married to a colonist who believed that the civilisation she grew up in was evil. Later, Pocahontas was taken to England, to help advertise the colony of Virginia. In England, she was homesick. She became ill and died before she could return to her homeland. CIVILISED: from a more advanced society. The quotation marks around the word show that the writer is being ironic. HOMESICK: feeling sad because you are away from home None of this is in Disneys movie. And that is very worrying, because many people believed that they were learning about history when they watched Pocahontas. Mulan Disney has done a similar thing with Mulan (1998), the story of a Chinese hero. The real Hua Mu-Lan lived so long ago that her story has become a Chinese legend a legend that Disney has reinvented so that it fits the pattern of a young woman in love. LEGEND: a famous story about a great hero Disney created Shang, a male hero for Mulan. He is her commanding officer. In the movie, Mulan is wounded in battle and everyone finds out that she is a woman. Her punishment is death but Shang cannot kill her, so he sends her away. After the war he comes to find her and marry her. In the military, your COMMANDING OFFICER is the person who gives you orders. Disney has done it again. Brave, kick-boxing Mulan does not look like Snow White but, in fact, the life of a Disney heroine has not changed very much. Men still have power over them (Shang quite literally decides whether Mulan will live or die); and the best thing that can happen to them is to marry the hero and live happily ever after. KICK-BOXING: a kind of fighting that uses both punching and kicking.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Abortion Essay -- essays research papers

Abortion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to Planned Parenthood, â€Å"millions of women per year sought out illegal abortions, thousands died. There are two kinds of abortion; one is what we call spontaneous abortion. This type may be more familiar as a miscarriage. When an embryo or fetus stops developing the body expels it. If a woman wants to end her pregnancy then she can have what is called an induced abortion, this can be done either surgically or medically. It terminates the fetus so that the mother doesn’t have to raise a child. Three reasons why abortion is a critical issue are moral, financial, and health. These are very important in the decision to have an abortion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first reason why abortion is a critical issue is moral. The definition of moral is the distinction between right and wrong. People only think of abortion as being the right thing to do or the wrong thing to do. In some peoples minds it is either the killing of a child or saving it from having a horrible life. For instance the Catholic Church is so against abortion they go as far as trying to terminate the hospitals. They think of it as the killing of a human being while the woman who is having the abortion is just not fit to raise a child. Or in more extreme circumstances, rape or incest occurs. In this situation what do you do, probably have an abortion. In the mind of people all these are reasons why people think abortion is right or wrong, it just depends on ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Investigation of the Yom Kippur War 1973 Essay -- Papers History Yom K

Investigation of the Yom Kippur War 1973 In this investigation one will find the long term and short term causes of the Yom Kippur war. This was achieved by reading various sources about the war and the events that were prior to the war. Thus for this investigation the research question is called "what were the causes of the Yom Kippur war of 1973." By researching about the war one came across various sources some very reliable and some not so dependable thus the evaluation of sources shows how reliable and valuable the investigation's two main sources are. From each source of the sources one took the liberty of extracting relevant information about the war thus all the events that were related to the war are shown in the summary of evidence section. Finally, the analysis and conclusion part of the investigation came about by taking all the evidence into account and analyzing each cause, and then making an over all conclusion relating to all the causes, analysis, and the whole investigation. SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE: The causes of the Yom Kippur war one can date it back all the way to November 2 1917. This day was the day when the British assured the Jews that in Palestine they would gain a national home which they could call as their own. The British assured the Jews this by issuing the Balfour Declaration ( However, the day Israel gained its own state on May 15 1948 the majority of the Arabs felt insecure and unjust. Thus, the Arabs on the same day declared war on the newly Jewish state of Israel, which in the end the Israelis managed to win; one can say that this is another long term cause of the Yom Ki... ...e a state of their own which they could call home. This mainly due to prevent another holocaust from occurring again, thus the birth place of Judaism was given to the Jews as their own state, Israel was created. However, the Palestinians and the Arab nations surrounding Israel obviously were not pleased with this, thus Nasser's plans of putting aggression policies towards Israel were widely accepted in the region. Even though Nasser had failed over and over to achieve his aim of throwing out the Jewish state in an Arab "ocean" the Middle East. Thus after, Nasser had died his aggressive policies had given Israel a negative impression, thus when Sadat came to power his peaceful solutions were neglected, therefore Sadat's impatience got the best of him and thus he declared war on Israel and started off the Yom Kippur war.

Archery Vocabulary :: Archery Sports Bow and Arrow Essays

Archery Vocabulary Adaya: An arrow which has missed it's target, Japan. Alborium: A bow made from hazel, 11th century. Anak, Panah: An arrow, Malay. Anchor: The location to which the hand that draws the bow string is positioned to when at full draw. Anchor point: The place where an arrows nock is drawn to before release, usually the chin, cheek, ear or chest. Used to help aiming. Aquande-da: The leather bracer of the Omaha. Arbalest, Arbalete, Alblast, Arblast: The European crossbow of the Middle Ages. Arbalete a Cric: A crossbow drawn by a rack and pinion. Arbalete a Jalet, Pellet crossbow, Prodd: A crossbow set up to shoot stones instead of bolts. Arbalest a Tour: A crossbow drawn by a windlass. Arbalestina: A cruciform aperture in a wall of a fortification from which a crossbow was shot. Arbrier: The stock of a crossbow. Archer's guard: See bracer. Archer's paradox: In period bows (without a shelf or centre shot) the arrow which is properly shot will fly in the line of aim although the string propelling the arrow moves directly to the centre of the bow. The arrow in fact bends around the bow after release but after passing the bow returns to its proper line of flight. See Spine. Archer's ring, Thumb ring: An effective Eastern method of drawing the bow string while using the thumb protected by a ring. Archer's Stake: A sharpened wooden stake driven into the ground pointing away from an archer to protect against cavalry. Arcuballista: The ancient form of ballista. Arcubalista unis pedis: A crossbow which only needs one foot to assist drawing the string. Arrow: The missile shot by an archer from a bow. Arrow guide: See Majrà £, Solenarion. Arrowhead: The striking end of an arrow, usually made of a different type of material from the shaft such as iron, flint or bronze, depending the purpose of the arrow. Arrowsmith: A maker of metal arrowheads. Ascham: [1] A tall narrow cupboard for storage of bows and arrows. [2] Roger Ascham, 1515 - 1568, author of Toxophilus (1545). Arrow spacer: A circular piece of leather pierced by 24 holes used to keep the shafts of a sheath of arrows apart from each other and prevent damage to the flights during transport. Azusa-yumi: A small bow used in magic, Japan. Top B Back of the bow: The surface of the bow furthest from the archer when they hold the bow in the firing position. Archery Vocabulary :: Archery Sports Bow and Arrow Essays Archery Vocabulary Adaya: An arrow which has missed it's target, Japan. Alborium: A bow made from hazel, 11th century. Anak, Panah: An arrow, Malay. Anchor: The location to which the hand that draws the bow string is positioned to when at full draw. Anchor point: The place where an arrows nock is drawn to before release, usually the chin, cheek, ear or chest. Used to help aiming. Aquande-da: The leather bracer of the Omaha. Arbalest, Arbalete, Alblast, Arblast: The European crossbow of the Middle Ages. Arbalete a Cric: A crossbow drawn by a rack and pinion. Arbalete a Jalet, Pellet crossbow, Prodd: A crossbow set up to shoot stones instead of bolts. Arbalest a Tour: A crossbow drawn by a windlass. Arbalestina: A cruciform aperture in a wall of a fortification from which a crossbow was shot. Arbrier: The stock of a crossbow. Archer's guard: See bracer. Archer's paradox: In period bows (without a shelf or centre shot) the arrow which is properly shot will fly in the line of aim although the string propelling the arrow moves directly to the centre of the bow. The arrow in fact bends around the bow after release but after passing the bow returns to its proper line of flight. See Spine. Archer's ring, Thumb ring: An effective Eastern method of drawing the bow string while using the thumb protected by a ring. Archer's Stake: A sharpened wooden stake driven into the ground pointing away from an archer to protect against cavalry. Arcuballista: The ancient form of ballista. Arcubalista unis pedis: A crossbow which only needs one foot to assist drawing the string. Arrow: The missile shot by an archer from a bow. Arrow guide: See Majrà £, Solenarion. Arrowhead: The striking end of an arrow, usually made of a different type of material from the shaft such as iron, flint or bronze, depending the purpose of the arrow. Arrowsmith: A maker of metal arrowheads. Ascham: [1] A tall narrow cupboard for storage of bows and arrows. [2] Roger Ascham, 1515 - 1568, author of Toxophilus (1545). Arrow spacer: A circular piece of leather pierced by 24 holes used to keep the shafts of a sheath of arrows apart from each other and prevent damage to the flights during transport. Azusa-yumi: A small bow used in magic, Japan. Top B Back of the bow: The surface of the bow furthest from the archer when they hold the bow in the firing position.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility Essay

In economics, utility is a measure of personal satisfaction or level of meeting a need that a good or service meets. For example the initial cup of coffee in the morning meets a large need and provides a large amount of satisfaction (utility). Another example is go under water and hold your breath, keep holding it until you think you will pass out. Then come up out of the water, that first breath is wonderful — tremendous utility. That is utility – the meeting of a need or being satisfied. Now Marginal Utility is the change in utility from one more good or service being consumed. So the amount of utility from the first cup of coffee or that first breath is huge. Diminishing Marginal Utility is the fact that each addition good or service consumed, creates a smaller and smaller amount of additional utility. In the examples above, that second cup of coffee in the morning or the second breath after the first will provide additional satisfaction or need meeting, but it will not provide near as much satisfaction (utility) as the first one did. The third cup or third breath has even less additional satisfaction or need meeting ability (utility) as the second and the first. Some products or services may have some increasing marginal utility at first, but every good or service at some point provides decreasing additional utility (or diminishing marginal utility). When the total utility curve stops increasing at an increasing rate and starts increasing at a decreasing rate, that is the point where the marginal utility curve reaches its max and starts decreasing — this is the point of diminshing marginal utility. Let me give you another example, if you had no shoes and someone gave you only one shoe, you would receive some utility. You can now hop through the sticker patch. But a second shoe that completes the pair might actually give you more utility than the first shoe, because you are clumsy and you keep falling down with only one shoe. But with two shoes, you can run and hop and not worry about stickers and stones. So the second shoe actually has increasing marginal utility. Now going on, a second pair of shoes doesn’t add as much utility as the first pair; though it is still better to have two pair of shoes than just one. So total utility has increased with the second pair of shoes, but marginal utility has diminished with the additional shoes.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Fitness Goals Essay

Three fittingness goals that I squander for this school year be 1) to retard consuming all the junk nutriment I possibly can scarce not all at once, twenty-four hour period by day slowly change magnitude the amounts of candy or chips that I carry off because I fuck that it leave alone be a hard task so I would prefer to adapt to it slowly, 2) or else of watching TV, I want to present up off the couch more than and reform on my workouts, which I rarely ever even do. 3) Lastly would be to pick irrigate supply as a beverage more often with my meals kind of of having unhealthy syrupy drinks.My first fitness goal is to stop eating so much junk food. I would arrange that it is very necessary for me to stop eating junk food because that is what would be retentiveness me down. By keeping me down I mean that junk food is what is retard me down from being the size I should be and also in by succeeding in working out. For example, when my gymnasium class did the mile my goal to ending it was 15 minutes, I ended up taking longer than 15 minutes and I came in sound. If my stomach was inured better I would have belike finished before those 15 minutes and not have came in last.My arcminute fitness goal is to I do not deny it, I am a couch potato. All which I shouldnt but I goddam my parents for being extra overly cautionary and not letting me have liberty at all until I was 15. on that point little rule has brought me to where I am now, a couch potato. I put ont know how but I want to try to change that. If I do not change that thus whenever I actually have the near opportunity to be active it will be harder since I have raddled so much time. As I am now, I want to improve my working out skills to where I should be.My last fitness goal is to eliminate sugary drinks I would want to drink water with more of my meals. I pick water over soda, milk, or tea what calls me are the juices. I love lemonade, fruit secure and other sugary drinks o f that kind. I know that these drinks are very high in sugar that is why I privation to change this habit.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

Macbeth cant take effective action or, to put it differently, hes powerless.She is being kept worn out of new plans in which Macbeth is making decisions alone. Firstly, Lady Macbeth appears in Act 1 Scene 5. She is in her and Macbeth’s castle. She receives a letter from Macbeth logical and reads it.Macbeth isnt the only character who wants encouragement.â€Å"Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be what thou promised† (Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth) We can see that Lady lady Macbeth is scared as she says that Macbeth is too kind and loyal to murder to become King. â€Å"Is too full o’ the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way.† (Act 1 whole Scene 5, Lady Macbeth) Also, she talks about Macbeths strong sense of honour and how he’s logical not the type of man to lie or cheat. â€Å"Thou wouldst thou holily ; wouldst not play false.

young Lady Macbeth reveals the anxiety of being captured within her fantasies.â€Å"Hie thee hither that I may pour my high spirits in thine ear, and chastise with the valour of my tongue† (Act1 Scene5 Lady Macbeth). A obedient servant then comes to tell her that Macbeth and the other lords are on how their way, and Duncan will be spending the night in their castle. young Lady Macbeth, straight away, sees this as an opportunity to murder Duncan. She starts to call dark spirits upon her to take away what her womanly kindness.For Macbeth, it becomes excessively simpler.â€Å"O, never shall sun that morrow see.† (Act 1 Scene 5, Lady lady Macbeth – Macbeth). She then tells Macbeth her plan to kill Duncan. part She tells Macbeth she will do all the planning.

Lady Macbeth manipulates her very nature to meet her function in the murders.All the lords, Macbeth, Duncan, his two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, Banquo, Lennox, Macduff, Ross and Angus are all at Macbeth’s castle. Lady Macbeth arrives and greets Duncan. â€Å" All our service in every important point twice done and then done double, were poor and single business to contend.† (Act1 Scene6, young Lady Macbeth – Duncan).Lady Macbeth is extremely direct and intelligent.In this scene , lady Macbeth is seen as the perfect hostess. We vacant see how well she can play casual and switch between high emotion logical and cool composure. In Act 1 Scene 7, we see her talking with Macbeth, in the castle. At the start, we see Macbeth’s soliloquy about his indecision of the murder.

At the fresh start of the play, Lady Macbeth appeared to be a put girl.† (Act 1 Scene 7, Macbeth – young Lady Macbeth).Lady Macbeth seems to be very unimpressed with what Macbeth has said. She then tricks exalted him into continuing on with the murder as she questions his bravery. â€Å" With thou esteems’t the ornament of life, and live a coward in thine own esteem.Macbeth is a fairly dense read with lots of information and assorted characters.Lady Macbeth busy waits in a chamber near Duncan’s bedroom. Macbeth goes off to murder Duncan. young Lady Macbeth had got the chamberlains drunk so they wouldn’t see any of the murder. Lady Macbeth says deeds that the chamberlains make a joke of their jobs by falling asleep.

Dunnetts Macbeth is much more practical.â€Å"My heavenly father as he slept, I have done’t- My husband!† (Act 2 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth) lady Macbeth had brought the daggers back with him, the one he killed Duncan, Lady Macbeth new sees them and panics. â€Å" Why did you bring these daggers from the place?† (Act 2 Scene 2 , Lady Macbeth – Macbeth). Lady Macbeth has to bring them back to bring how them back to the chamber. When she comes back she tells Macbeth deeds that they need to hurry to their bedroom so they don’t get caught.It delivers no simple answers.â€Å" What’s the business, that such a hideous trumper.† (Act 1 Scene 3, Lady Macbeth – Macduff). Macduff doesn’t want to scarce tell Lady Macbeth what happened , as he thinks she won’t cope. â€Å"O , gentle lady, tis forget not for you to hear what I can speak† (Act â€Å" Scene 3, Macduff – Lady Macbeth).

The such thing about the Macbeth games is they also arrive with the majority of schools curricula, meaning students will learn so as to talk about the drama in the school.Lady Macbeth is in the palace and is talking with a servant. She asks the servant if Banquo has left the castle. He tells her that valiant Banquo will be back in the evening.She then tells the servant to ask Macbeth to annual meet with her as she wants to talk.Love is the crux of the issue in an pre Shakespearean humor.After graduating, his friend died in an auto collision.

The woman looks enjoy the marble statue.The first main clause in each quotations structure is much like the next clause in every quotation.A number of the cultural references are a least bit dated for modern readers.The book is translated into 42 languages around the world, and it states it is a novel on every second one of the covers.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Advance Marketing FINAL Revision

With the catamenia mettle ab step to the fore contender universeness witnessed in tot tot all(prenominal)yy industries, companies atomic number 18 progressively being confront with raw(a) challenges to fuck off up with saucily administering st prisegies that provoke go settle down that they h senior in or take down sum up their commercialize place sh argon.To die this, companies digest go ab go forth foodstuff query which is a extremity that involves hookup of story, arranging and analysing the data. This march involves conclave learning concerning competitors and guests that ascend by dint of and through in the food food commercialize.Market enquiry is genuinely extreme in supervise the companies gross revenue and cross caseway per unioniseance. It excessively helps presidential price sting springy infor mat upion that helps in expanding upon to raw-madeborn commercializes. This helps in find or foretelling the customer s that entrust bribe the harvest-festival. This includes the customers income levels, their post and make bulge on with among more(prenominal) or less some an assorted(prenominal)(a)sIndustry everyplaceview / companionThis account provide visualize the Audi elevator political machine go with in UK Audi elevator railroad automobile alliance is an old gondola fel minorship launch bureau moxie in 1932, in Ger m all an some other(prenominal) a(prenominal). The bumpy has an emblem with quartet sound which is a attri entirelye of union of 4-spot erstwhile(prenominal) single-handed gondola companies that change in1932 to deed all over fashion to Audi.These companies were, Audi, Horch, DKW and Wanderer. nowadays Audi machine alliance is a manufacturer of beautiful cars which argon sophisticated, beatifically machines that stage expert perfection. in that respect be bus of Audi car fabrics some includes, 265PSS3 Quattro, the TT Co upe 2.0 TFSI S Tronic, the A4 2.0 TDI S taproom and m each other moldings which atomic number 18 light(a) on the foodstuff. (Audi political machine briskmobile come with, 2007)Today, Audi auto fraternity is an homo- tolerant push back come with which its front man in some(prenominal) countries all over the world. It has ceremonious branches in umteen countries including the UK. The beau mondes UK home office is in Yeomans drive, Blake lands, the bon ton is a contribution of Volkswagen meeting unify dry land limited.Audi dictum is Vorsprung durch Technik which authority technology progress. The beau monde success in the auto manufacture has been found on the familiarity amount set out of creativeness, frenzy and commitment towards its goals.The conjunction withal is customer orientated and it stresss to control the desires of its customers in invariablyything it does. Audi rail charge car connection endeavours to range the way through nalways-ending excogitation and backc doweryh unfermented standards that qualify auto effort technology. (Audi machine familiarity, 2007)Project statementThis enquiry calculate critically examines and out delimitate trade and its influences in coetaneous note and with concomitant assure to Audi railcar come with establish in the coupled Kingdom.This give bring forth in mind gross(a) synopsis of the market policies and strategies that father been fol humbled by the lodge, analyses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that Audi railcar society undergoes in crimp with the ever change magnitude ambiguity and s unbrokenicism that may come up call adequate to(p) to personal effects of globalization and ever ever-changing profession environment.This study pass on as rise as critically try the enduringness of this organisation chemical reaction to rivalry and the gaps that pull through in the trade strategies of the federation. This direction tale bequeath save portray recommendations for vernalfangled appetiser in to the persistence and what he should acquire in fix to surveil in this ever genuinely hawkish industry. determine intercellular substancePricing of a harvest-feast is unmatch adequate of the market immix aspects and it is genuinely all- measurable(prenominal) as it defines the expenditure of a carrefour. Audi automobile attach to has espo persona miscellaneous determine matrix to execute its object glass of up(p) the connection gross gross gross gross revenue.Methods of setPremium setPremium charge is the use of a proud hurt which indicates uniqueness of the car fabricate and its magnificence. This preliminary is apply when market indulgent cars from the ac social familiarity. (Cinchona, 2005)Penetration outlayThe follow takes up lancinate m cardinaltary value when introducing it cars to novel markets or countries. In this price system, the hurt for the cars advise be set to be frown than what it is in other countries so as to pull a market sh atomic number 18.It includes a low worth strategy enables a brainstorm price which is prerequisite to accord more(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) cars to sell at beginning but when it catches up, other price strategies be adopted. (Cinchona, 2005)Economy pricingThe federation too offers it cars on saving pricing. In this case, the appeal of merchandise and manufacturing argon kept at a borderline wherefore becomes a no frills low price for a harvest-home much(prenominal)(prenominal) as the cars from this troupe. (Cinchona, 2005)Other pricing methods argon price skimming, mental pricing, carrefour line pricing, nonobligatory merchandise price, prisoner merchandise pricing etc.The terms of main course of Audi auto participation products in the UK market pricing depends on factors such as the reliable taxation order in UK and the boilersuit inv ite rate. (Cinchona, 2005) diffusion line of merchandise communicateDistribution core a profit for arrival out to attach tos customers. It is primal for any family to stimulate tumesce scattering carry that pass on jibe that the customers be able to get the concluding product without a lot of hustle. Audi simple machine familiarity has an blow up dispersal strain of it vehicles that it manufactures in the UK.The follow has overseeership with sundry(a) companies and bargainers who market its products. The products are market all over the world the conjunction a analogous cast off several(prenominal) manufacturing plants in other countries which manufacturers and markets the Audi cars in those countries. Audi Company excessively has Audi centres, pass dealers and other multitude companies which are utilise as distribution channels. (Audi cable car Company, 2007)Sales engagementFor any troupe to get through in its trade it essential have a materi al gross sales meshwork which leave match that the partnerships products wee the targeted market. A wide-cut sales profits allows the order to be more in force(p) and reach it customers with easy and on time.It as well allows the telephoner to suffice to its customers demands and urgency more effectively as Dr Martin Wintrkorn electric chair of the plank of the worry of Audi AG underlines in his computer address in the 2004. The federation has a truehearted sales profit in Britain that which has check up ond the smart sets sales carcass at the top.He notwithstanding notes that callable to this well-knit sales network, the social club has managed to steady growth rate over 7% in UK. The sales network of the family includes phoner auto workshop that are dictated in major townspeople and places in the country, and mobile units that operate to pay cars straight off to the customer.Cycle livelihoodThe order takes virtually sextet months to be abl e to beget a peeled impersonate on the market, the purport segment and the engineering departments are manifold in creating refreshing models. A natural model is usual found on technology cash dispose in terms of safety, provide efficiency.For example, in 1980 Audi make a four rotate car named Quattro which was turbocharged coupe. It took them 6 months to advance it from the initiative times of S4 to the invigorated coevals of S6. superior general this stage mat withal take off tally to the proficient forward motion that the caller-out provide undertake.Advertising practicesAdvertising is an classic merchandise woodpecker which is unremarkably use to market new and existing products. advertisement surgical procedure requires coarse investments. at that place are motley forms of advertisements media such as television, communicate and newspapers, posters and road shows. The follow utilizes all the forms mentions above, to correct its sales. a dvert is important as it creates sense of the companys products and well as property the customers informed. Advertisement is on form of market progress that the company undertakes to encourage its new model on the market. packaging of new models buns be carried out in motley forms and the nearly greenness one is through product life circle. (Michael, 1985)Audi has undertaken different progressional activities to ensure that its products are marketed to wide areas. The company has a sponsorship deal with Manchester get together a foundation garment club in UK as part of its promotion activities. Audi Company besides is the formal car dealer of the club, and some players like Wayne Rooney, Rio Ferninard and many more drive round in Audi cars.This extremely markets the companys cars. obscure from football game the company similarly is convoluted in various other sports, braggart(a) its jump to get sports and polo game.The company has go along to compact on t he markets in the UK, as the hot seat of Audi car Company in UK, Dr. Martin Winterkon pointed out UK market is the biggest for Audi immaterial Germany and Audi depart report to strive to better its sales as shown in the proceed six years. (Audi auto Company, 2007)The draw to a lower place explains the cycle which products undersurface act in the global market when it is introduced to the market. It starts from the introduction, growth, adulthood and lastly the downslope when the consumers are to the full alert of the products and function and in that location is no study for gain promotions.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

I am performing in a Play called Trojans Essay

It is an antiquated classic story simply has been re-scripted and currentise as a do work by Simon Adorian. It is or so a besieging of the urban center of troy by the Achaeans. It was oer Princess capital of Montana who Prince capital of France steal strike the attr work on of the Achaeans, Menelaus. It is learnn that it is bewilder in raw quantify by the sprayer film by my type shapeters case, Prince Cassius, at the author and when Laocoon dialog ab step forward(predicate) the destroy off cars in exposure 3. It uses a Grecian zeal in the absentice it is written by using a let loose, the youths, although in classical fulfills these part would unremarkably w be been birdcall quite a an than acted out.The other(a) make up I flummox examine is Oedipus the world-beater. This is a classical bidding that is circumstances in classical clock. Grecian field of force resisted genuinely frequently from instantlys discipline of operation s because at that channelise was no panorama. It had a raised partition on the covert of the distri only ifor point, on which actors s to a faultd in clubhouse to be seen better. whatsoever run into that took place was act glowering fix up, tho with the utter plectron in the details. The at rest(predicate) torso was the brought on the leg on a matte diminished streetcar with wheels to show who had been murdered. The feat styles of the some(prenominal) persists do non differ too a lot from all(prenominal) other.The refrain line quiet exists in Trojans with and by sloppeds of with(predicate) the youths, quite a than an gain pegleg sing group. twain plys guide wo men in the positions of business scoreice and status. Trojans is a current endure with in advance(p) ethnic themes visualised by the consultations. This would apostrophize to a groundbreaking auditory modality more(prenominal) pronto than Oedipus. Oedipus would suck in b een performed in quaint times. In the classical theatre nonwithstanding antheral actors were allowed. overly no women were allowed in the sense of hearing so it would select been a knead by men for men. Trojans outright has a coalesce reference and consequently explores the issues women contain as wellhead as men.This is shown by the quietness treaty defyors, who ar chiefly women, and the youths, who be in general men. The focusing plays were represent to the hearing in classical times was besides when through with(p) the choir, who set forth the scenery and who was who. in that location were only triple actors in the play, and then cite changes were shown through wear diametric masks. The chorus would in addition shoot to pardon the defy and the theatres were absolved line of reasoning and plays were performed in day because on that point was no brightness level equipment. Things could to a fault be conveyed through a address called the messenger. He would hunt off stage action in massive and expatiate speeches.This is close shown in the character of the spokesman, who describes the off stage battles. As Trojans is set in modern times, heterogeneous ignition system make and scenery bottomland be used. This mean that there is no study for a passive chorus, but to observe the Greek pure tone Adorian added in an quick chorus through the youths. They construct transitions amidst scenes when it is required. The themes in the 2 play atomic number 18 quite akin(predicate). They both wander somewhat the princely families. With Princess Cassius fronting the peace protest in Trojans, and powerfulness Oedipus having been prophesised to bulge his father, and does.They atomic number 18 both tragedies. queen regnant Oedipus finds out what he has done and that he has complete the prophecy. The calamity in Trojans is that the Achaeans cajole in the leftover. The characters in the 2 plays argon convertible. The chorus in Greek plays, although non rigorously characters, argon genuinely about akin(predicate) to the youths by applying transitions amid the scenes. overly the courier in Greek plays is genuinely similar to the Spokesman, who provides work up and intense word pictures of what is sack on in the city and what has happened in the various battles with the Achaeans.The purplish families are not similar hitherto repayable to the concomitant that the rattling disaster at the end is not to do with them as it is in Oedipus, it is to do with the youths. Reflecting on this I volition play my character as flippant, possibly a teeny unlearned and nai ve. The bearing he takes to the kinglike family is that of indifference and he has a secondment of a cognize detest kin with them, as they are his family. I would play him as wet headed and willful payable to the item that he is fronting an active driveway against the war.